• Tutorial Photoshop

    Photoshop Grungy Metal Effect

    In this tutorial you will be learning how to create a text effect using textures from stock images. The final image is a grungy picture with text being illuminated in the dark.
    Open Photoshop
    1. Start by opening a new canvas, I will be using a 500×500 pixel with 72 dpi for web. ( You can use any size document that suits your purpose. )

    2. Find an image of rusting metal. I will be using a stock image from www.sxc.hu Metal Image
    3. Drag the image into your document. Next we will give the image some colour. Select the layer and go to Image>Adjustments>Desaturate. Followed by Image>Adjustments>Gradient map. Set the gradient to #000 black to #728f9d ( or an color you prefer. )
    4. Create a new layer on top of the metal layer, and fill it with black. Using the Soft round brush erase the center. Dim the opacity of the black layer to 70%.

    5. Add text on top of all the layers, set the text to #fff white. Duplicate the text layer 3 times.
    6. Leave the name of the original text layer as it is, and rename the two other others to white and blur.
    7. On the original text layer, go to the layers panel and apply an overlay. Next we will go to Layer>Layer Style>Drop Shadow, and apply these settings.
    8. On the duplicated test layer “white,” lower the opacity to 10%. Moving on to the layer blur, go to Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur and set the radius to 4.0 pixels. Our document should be looking similar to this.
    9. Create a new layer above the metal layer. Now take your Rectangular Marquee tool and make four rectangles pointing to your text, one from each side. Apply overlay to the layer and a drop shadow.
    10. After a few minor add-ons and repositioning of things, I ended up with this.

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